Baptism & Dedication
The Covenant Church celebrates both the sacrament of baptism for adults, youth, children, and infants as well as the dedication of infants and young children. To participate in our next scheduled baptism celebration or dedication and to prepare yourself or your child for that sacred moment, choose from the following options below.
About Baptism
Baptism is the sacred and special use of water, commanded by Jesus Christ, to signify God’s cleansing of our sins and our welcome into the family of God. Jesus says in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations (people), baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Baptism is an outward sign of an invisible grace. It isn’t just about what you’re doing, it’s more about what God has done and is doing in you. When we’re baptized, we’re marked with the sign that we belong to Jesus.
The Methods of Baptism
While we prefer immersion (going all the way under water) for adults, the preferred method of baptism for infants is sprinkling. Since baptism is not the means of salvation (we believe faith is the means of salvation) nor is water the active agent in the cleansing of our sin (it is God who cleanses us of our sin through faith) the method is not as significant.
Immersion Baptism
Baptism by immersion is an outward sign of an invisible grace. It isn’t just about what you’re doing, it’s more about what God has done and is doing in you. When we are baptized, we’re marked with the sign that we belong to Jesus. A sign that God has cleansed you of your sin. The water symbolizes that washing (Acts 22:16). A sign of your faith in Jesus. Going under the water represents both Jesus dying and going into the grave and God putting your sin to death. Coming up out of the water represents Jesus raising back to life and God raising you to new life, free from slavery of sin (Romans 6:4). Baptism is also a sign that you are a child of God and welcome into the family of God, the church (1 Corinthians 12: 12-13)
Baby Baptism
When an infant is baptized we trust the mystery of God’s grace working through the family of God until this child chooses to proclaim that faith as their own. In baby baptism and dedication parents are acknowledging their desire and the child’s need for the gathered church to help children come to faith and to grow in faith throughout their lives. During this service the community of faith also commits to the responsibility of care for and nurturing both the child and the parents in deepening faith in Jesus Christ.
Parents wanting the blessing of God on their child (Mark 10:13-16) but believe that baptism is to be reserved for those who make a conscious choice in confession of faith. Grateful for the gift of a child (Psalm 127:3), the parents are accepting their responsibility of nurturing the child, filling their home with the love and grace of God and naturally seeking God’s help and wisdom. The emphasis in the baby dedication is on the personal pledge of parents to raise them in a way that is pleasing to God. This baby dedication is an indication of the parent’s desire for their child to one day make that personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ.
Interested in Baptism?
Fill out the form below!
Please provide your name, contact information, desired Pastor, and desired method of baptism. The Pastor of your choosing can call you to schedule a time to meet with you.