Covenant Ministry
NextGen Ministries
Summer Camp Registration! ALL registration is done online at bluewatercovcamp.org – no registrations are sent in through the church. Scholarship monies are available for camp (NOT for the deposit). Forms are available in the church office. PLEASE NOTE: There is currently NO bus this year. We encourage you to carpool and make arrangements to get your children to camp.
We are also asking for donations to the Bluewater Camp Scholarship Fund. We don’t want any student to be unable to attend camp for financial reasons – so every year we take an offering for scholarships to help kids and students who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend camp. Please send your check into the church office, with “Camp scholarship” written in the memo line. Many families are hurting this year with the pandemic so if you can give, it would be most appreciated.
TODAY, Sunday 28th is the last day to take part in the NextGen Family Photo Scavenger Hunt – and anyone can participate – grandparents, grab your grandkids! Compass people, grab your small group! Families, invite friends to join you as we all let loose to get that perfect funny photo! The list will be made available on the Covenant Kids Facebook page, the Student Life @ the Covenant Facebook page and the church website Friday, June 26 and you have until midnight June 28 to finish the list. The grand prize – a family gift certificate to Character Challenge Adventure Park and ice cream at Dorset House will be awarded to the first “family” to get all their pictures in. 2 prizes of a $50 family gift certificate to Big River Scoop will be awarded for the most creative photos. Further details and rules are posted with the photo list.
Weekly Updates
Please be in for our leadership and the regathering team as they work towards a regathering of our church body. Thank you so much for taking part in the survey – it helped to understand where our church family was at. Pray for wisdom and discernment for leadership, and for our church family to care for each other well – giving one another grace for the many opinions and concerns going forward.
Benevolence Fund helps those in our congregation in need of temporary help. Contributions are welcome by placing your donation in the offering plate and marking it “benevolence.”
Prayer Requests: If you have a prayer request, please send it to prayerchain@bemidjicovenant.com or call the church office.
We want to express our deepest sympathy to Chris and Sherry Haley and son Tyler Simon on
the passing of Chris’ dad, Stanley. We want you to know that our church family is praying for
your entire family as you grieve this loss.